PITCH 4 KIDZ is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide integrative trauma treatment for children’s healing.
We are committed to providing exciting, age-appropriate programs aimed at teaching coping and communication skills for children living in families impacted by substance abuse/dependence and traumatic experiences. We offer a safe, energetic, and professional environment that fosters education, healing, and skill building. We value the uniqueness of every child in our program. We believe that children deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, value, and worth. Ultimately, children deserve to be children.
PITCH 4 KIDZ strives to impart messages of strength and hope to families facing the disease of addiction and traumatic experiences as outlined in the ACES study. The program is designed to help children understand addiction and family trauma; and realize that these issues are not their fault. The program teaches that treatment and recovery addressing multiple challenges are possible; and that families can heal. The lessons and skills presented are geared toward building resilience, healthy communication, and social competence. By fostering honest communication shameful feelings are reduced and children are empowered.